Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First taste of San Francisco

Our first destination. San Francisco, California. 

Below: Me in city, very jet lagged. 

Around the corner from our hotel, North Beach area.

Marty took this one with my little canon point and shoot. Go Marty!

Out of all the amazing and interesting places to see in this city, the homes of the locals would probably be one of my most favourite.
The next few photos show the style of homes San Francisco has to offer.

The famous Victorian style homes 'the painted lady's'. Tourist shot or what?

The Mission. Even this was a fairly poor area with many homeless people, but yet these people's homes are still very beautiful and well looked after.

I loved the colour of this one!


It's not just the people that are trendy, the dogs are too!

Yes that's a computer, just one of the many strange things we came across in our first few days of being here.

We found this little cafe, tucked away in the Mission. Lot's of alternate Uni students taking advantage of the free wireless, and a fair few gay couples. Really good coffee!

Both Marty and I found this very strange. A recycling shop in Chinatown. 
First of all the mannequin on the right is wearing a necklace which is actually fish bones, the top is banana leaf, and the skirt is dyed rice. The mannequin on the left has a skirt which is dried anchovies and we think the top is dried out fish fillets. 
What the?

Lombard Street (the worlds most crooked street), with an amazing view of the city. And yes, we walked up all those hills. Woo! Go legs.

The owners of these homes, obviously put a lot of effort into maintaining their gardens (as you can see above). There are hundreds of people that come to check this out every day!

This sign was for real. 


This fire truck came after an old chinese lady had fallen. Hows the poser's with the truck. Pffft weirdo's.

Sums up San Francisco, and my LIFE!

We came across so much of this. The San Franciscans love their art, and graffiti.

Enlarge this one. Ha!


  1. Ahhh Darling!

    I love this, its so perfect for me to keep an eye on your adventures!

    Miss youu, take care.

    love you always. xxxx

  2. Hi Casey,

    What a fantastic blog, very professional for your first effort.

    Love you heaps,

    Proud dad.

    P.S. whats wrong with being brokend??

  3. nice pictures !!!
    See photrom.fr
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